What's on this week on Reading4u!!
- A very Merry Christmas to everyone who has been involved with Reading4u and best call to action examples - past, present & future!
- Coming up: Our Reading Community Concert at Gospoda bar, Reading - 14th January 2012.
- Tony Fernandez interviews Joshua Olaleye - Young Person of the Year, at the 2011 Pride of Reading Awards.
- "Make Yourself Heard" for disabled people by Merry Cross every Tuesdays 2-4pm.
- Tune into new show "Rumba-UK" every Saturday afternoon, 4-6pm, covering salsa, news, & latin culture.
Volunteer with Reading4u!
Whether you can spare an hour a week or a day a month, there are many ways in which you can volunteer with Reading4u. You’ll be part of a dedicated, passionate and skilled team, and will be able to share your skills and expertise and help others in the local community whilst giving yourself some new challenges and experiences. Contact us here!
Get involved - for, from and by the community
Another really important way that you could get involved is to take part in one of our radio programmes. We are keen for sectors of our community to be able to utilise Reading4u as an outlet for getting their message across, so if you have something to say, are perhaps a charity or a community group, or even an individual working hard for the Reading community, we would love to hear from you! Contact us here!
A big thank you to the sponsors of
Reading4u's First Birthday Party 02 July 2011